“Just start writing a Blog…”

Over recent months, as I have been investigating marketing plans for Nick Henry Consulting moving forwards, a common recommendation has arisen from the various marketing experts that I’ve spoken to - starting writing a “thought leadership” blog.

The thought of this was mildly terrifying on initial contemplation. Embarking on starting to write an article, or a blog as it is termed these days, seems like a nice idea but something out of my reach. But given my genetics, with my father (left in the photo - Monaco pitlane, 1975) being a journalist and author of over 30 books on the subject of motor racing, I must have some natural aptitude for this vocation.

In my father’s era, the writing of an article summarising a weekend’s race may be the only way in which the reader would find out anything about it, often 2-3 days after the event. In these days of t’internet, news stories are out almost before the events have happened, and the drive for more content is insatiable.

My aim from this blog is to share my experiences over the years through my engineering career. With my background as an Engineering Director in rapidly growing engineering business, my role has been as much about the practicalities of running a business and getting the best out of people, as it has been delivering a high standard of engineering products. I’d like to think I’ve managed to strike a good balance across the three over the years.

As I embark on this new journey I hope that what I share is something that can stand out and resonate with at least a few in this noisy world. Only the future shall be the judge of that!


Adapting a strategy to people’s strengths, or not?